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Tony Gosling



Bilderberg 2024: Who Will Lead NATO's War On Russia As 4th Reich Convenes in Madrid?

War, AI and more war: the 2024 Bilderberg agenda is sure to set off alarm bells

The secretive annual summit has tried to counter its arcane reputation, but its guest list still reads like a conspiracist’s who’s who of who rules the world

Charlie Skelton in Madrid Sat 1 Jun 2024 11.00 BST

This year the Bilderberg summit, now under way in Madrid, turned 70 years old. But the controversial and secretive gathering of the world’s elites shows no signs of slowing down.

For decades the Bilderberg meeting, where the rich and the powerful gather behind closed doors to talk about what ails the world, has been the subject – understandably – of conspiracy theories. In recent years, Bilderberg has sought to remake itself and open up a little: more Davos than Illuminati.

But it still raises hackles from many observers. Its beady eyes, twinkling with billionaires, are this year fixed firmly on the future. Specifically, the “future of warfare”. And with conflicts raging from Sudan to Ukraine to Gaza, it feels like it is the spirit of the age.

This grim subject is being thrashed out under the hum of police drones hovering over the hotel, making sure such luminaries as the king of the Netherlands and the head of Nato are safe inside. Even by Bilderberg standards, the security at this year’s conference is intense, but it managed to gear up even more when the Spanish king’s entourage swept into the venue past a traffic jam of police vans.

The heightened security is perhaps a reflection of the threats and “challenges” packed into the conference agenda: Russia, China, the Middle East, the climate – while the session on Ukraine, titled Ukraine and the World, has a worrying hint of a wider world war. And when the topic of the Changing Faces of Biology is being discussed by the CEO of Pfizer, the head of the EU Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the man who led the Human Genome Project, you can almost hear the alarm bells over the police sirens.

The world of Bilderberg in 2024 throbs with threats; it’s what conference participant Alexander Stubb, the president of Finland, recently described as “the weaponisation of everything”. It’s a world of “hybrid attacks” driven by disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence. There’s even a session on AI safety at this year’s gathering, one of two sessions devoted to AI, securing its place at the head of Bilderberg’s agenda.

The conference hall is heaving with tech luminaries, including the heads of Google DeepMind, Microsoft AI, Mistral AI and Anthropic, making the event a high-level AI summit in its own right.

Many of these AI chiefs are tech optimists; Demis Hassabis, the CEO of Google DeepMind, recently raved about AI “spreading consciousness to the stars”. But the contingent of US national security officials, who have flowed in from Washington for these talks, tend to take a more worldly and weaponised view of the subject. They’re led by the deputy national security adviser, Jonathan Finer, and Jen Easterly, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. They are joined by one of the US’s most senior soldiers, the supreme allied commander Europe, Christopher Cavoli, who warned recently that the conflict with Russia was shaping up to be a “long fight”. So the immediate future of war sounds like it’ll be more war.

It’s just sad that Henry Kissinger isn’t here to enjoy it. The elder statesman of Bilderberg died in November at the age of 100.

Certainly the world’s military – and the industries that surround it – take Bilderberg seriously. Gen Cavoli is taking time out from leading a “wholesale modernization” of Nato’s defence capabilities to attend the Madrid conference. His boss at Nato, Jens Stoltenberg, is attending his last Bilderberg as secretary general. His successor is hotly tipped to be Mark Rutte, the outgoing Dutch prime minister. Rutte is a Bilderberg regular, and doubtless the group will be delighted, though perhaps not surprised, if yet another of their charmed circle lands a top job.

The other prime minister here in Madrid is Estonia’s Kaja Kallas, who said recently that “openness is our greatest weapon” in free societies. “At its core,” she said, “openness represents getting rid of barriers that hinder the flow of information.”

Sadly, we won’t know if she talks at Bilderberg about openness, because of all the barriers hindering the flow of information. We do know that Kallas believes that on the battlefield, “Ukraine has out-innovated Russia, fielding entirely new weapons systems” – some of which will have been developed by the tech companies at this year’s conference.

Time magazine has dubbed Ukraine “an AI war lab”, and the Economist agrees....

Bilderberg 2024: Who Will Lead NATO's War On Russia As 4th Reich Convenes in Madrid

Map Shows Ukraine's Record-Breaking Hits on Russian Nuclear Warning Sites

Ukraine May Have Just Crossed Putin's Nuclear Red Line

By David Brennan Diplomatic Correspondent

Russia's nuclear ballistic missile early warning radar network has emerged as a key target of long-range Ukrainian strikes, with three facilities having now been attacked by Kyiv's drones in the past two months.

Two such strikes occurred in the past week. First, a drone hit a "Voronezh-DM" radar at the Armavir Radar Station in the southern Krasnodar region on May 22. The site is home to two Voronezh-DM radars with a range of around 6,000 kilometers (3,730 miles).

The attack appeared to have damaged a building housing one of the radars, RFE/RL's Russian Service reported. The site is more than 300 miles from the closest territory currently under Kyiv's control.

The Armavir attack was quickly followed by a more ambitious strike. On May 26, a Ukrainian drone traveled some 930 miles from Kyiv-controlled territory to target a Voronezh-M radar near the city of Orsk, in the Orenburg region close to the border with Kazakhstan.

The extent of any damage at the site in Orsk is as yet unclear. But the attack may represent the longest-range Ukrainian drone strike to date, the list of targets steadily growing as Kyiv prioritizes Russia's long-range radar and oil-producing facilities.

The Kyiv Independent cited an anonymous military intelligence source as saying the drone used in Sunday's attack flew 1,118 miles; further than the 930 miles claimed in a recent strike on an oil processing plant in Russia's Bashkiria region.

Reuters cited an unnamed Ukrainian intelligence source who confirmed the dual drone strikes. Asked why Russia's long-range radars were being targeted, the source replied: "They monitor the actions of the Ukrainian security and defense forces in the south of Ukraine."

Newsweek has contacted the Russian Defense Ministry by email to request comment.

Ukraine began its nascent campaign against Russia's early warning radar network in April, with successive drone strikes on the 590th separate radio engineering center of military unit 84680 in the city of Kovylkino, in the Mordovia Republic around 360 miles from the Ukrainian border.

The site is home to a 29B6 "Container" over-the-horizon radar, which forms part of Russia's reconnaissance and early-warning network for aerospace attacks, including those by ballistic missiles. Voronezh-M radar sites like those targeted in Armavir and Orsk are also used for this purpose.
Ukrainian drone during testing near Kyiv 2023

Russia has at least five other radar sites hosting Voronezh-M systems. Two are located in the west of the country, at the Lekhtusi Radar Station close to St. Petersburg and at the Pionersky Radar Station in the Kaliningrad exclave.

Three are spread across Siberia, at the Mishelevka Radar Station near the city of Irkutsk, at a site close to the city of Yeniseysk in Krasnoyarsk Krai region, and near the Altai Krai region's city of Barnaul.

Additional Voronezh-M radar stations are planned for construction close to the city of Sevastopol in occupied Crimea, near the Arctic Circle city of Olenogorsk in Murmansk region, and near the city of Vorkuta in the northern Komi Republic, also in the Arctic region.

David Brennan is Newsweek's Diplomatic Correspondent covering world politics and conflicts from London with a focus on NATO, the European ...

Right time for taxes on wealth

Forbes has released its annual ‘Billionaire List’. It shows that there are more billionaires than ever before, and they have increased their wealth to record levels.

The Forbes wealth editor stated that ‘It’s been an amazing year for the world’s richest people’.

This comes at a time of massive global instability, staggering inequality and an urgent need to combat climate and environmental breakdown.

According to Forbes, there are 55 billionaires in the UK. 

Showcasing the massive intergenerational transfer of wealth, every single billionaire under the age of 30 - of which there are 15 - inherited their riches.

Just one billion is a staggering amount of money. 

In fact, if a teacher on the average salary saved every single penny they earned, it would take over 30,000 years to become a billionaire.

Raising revenue

The level of wealth on display also highlights how much revenue would be raised by introducing wealth taxes. 

Our work on just six taxes on wealth shows that up to £50 billion a year could be raised and go straight into public services.

That’s money to pay for nurses, doctors and dentists and resuscitate Britain’s ailing health service.

As Tax Justice UK Executive Director, Robert Palmer, said on Twitter, world leaders need to ensure the super-rich pay their fair share. You can share his response here.

Making the right case

You may be surprised to see, but taxes on wealth do have popularity across the political spectrum.

In a recently published collection of essays for the centre-right think tank, Bright Blue, Conservative MP John Penrose makes just this case. 

While we may not agree on all points, Penrose argues that rebalancing our tax system from work to wealth would be better. 

He argues that Britain taxes income in a ‘thoroughly regressive way by systematically giving a better deal to the rich at the expense of the poor’. 

Taxing wealth at the same rate of work would be a popular proposition. 

The Fairness Foundation recently commissioned public opinion polling that showed two in three people (65%) support reforming capital gains tax so that income from wealth is taxed either at the same rate or at a higher rate than income from work.

Bright Blue also published a report in 2022 proposing that wealth should be taxed at higher levels, offset by a reduction in taxes on work.

The think tank argued that wealth should be taxed at higher levels to respond to rising accumulation of wealth, and the role of inheritances in determining life outcomes.

Bilderbergers lead EU, NATO, IMF and UN

Prague (OTS) - Since 2019, EU, NATO, IMF, and UN have been chaired by people who attended confidential Bilderberg conference(s) prior to their appointment. Bilderbergers also occupy other top positions like the heads of the European Council, European Central Bank and Eurogroup. French president Macron is Bilderberger and the day after his inauguration, Bilderberger Philippe became Prime Minister. Macron's candidate, Bilderberger Georgieva, leads IMF thanks to change of selection rules. These indicia of elite cronyism are summarized in new peer-reviewed study.

Bilderberg will soon hold another conference. At the meeting in 2016, member of Bilderberg's steering committee Barroso lobbied for Georgieva's nomination to the post of UN Secretary General. Eventually, this position was won by Bilderberger Guterres. During his mandate, two Bilderbergers (Moratinos and Hennis-Plasschaert) became UN representatives.

In 2019, Georgieva was appointed the director of IMF. She did not meet the criteria for this job, but the rules were sidestepped or changed. The decisive factor was Georgieva's backing from Macron.

In EU, Bilderbergers occupy the posts of president of the European Commission (von der Leyen), member of the European Commission (Urpilainen, Vestager), president of ECB (Lagarde), president of Eurogroup (Donohoe), president of the European Council (Michel). „Von der Leyen and Michel attended the same Bilderberg conference in 2015 and in 2019 they both gained highest positions in EU,“ the study emphasizes.

NATO is also striking. „All post-Cold War general secretaries of NATO participated at some Bilderberg conference prior to their appointment (…) Both Wörner and Solana had Bilderberg première in 1985,“ the study highlights.

Macron attended Bilderberg conclave in May-June 2014. Already in August 2014, under Prime Minister Bilderberger Valls, Macron was chosen to lead key ministry of economy. And after Macron reached presidency in 2017, Bilderberger Philippe became Prime Minister. „Philippe attended Bilderberg conference in 2016, at that time as mere mayor,“ the study stresses.

Other Bilderbergers received top positions at World Bank (Wolfensohn, Wolfowitz, Melkert, Zoellick, Heemskerk) and WTO (Ruggiero, Lamy).

The then member of Bilderberg's steering committee Jordan secured invitation to Bilderberg conference in 1991 for Clinton and introduced him as „the next President of the United States”. Also due to Jordan's help, Clinton really became US president in 1993. In 1995, as Jordan wanted, Clinton installed Wolfensohn into World Bank.

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SOURCE Lukas Kantor

Palestinian officials in Gaza are warning that Israel is giving no indication of re-opening the vital Rafah crossing - PressTV

Palestinian officials in Gaza are warning that Israel is giving no indication of re-opening the vital Rafah crossing after three weeks of closure. The Palestinian health minister says Israel will only end its blockade on the crossing if the international community holds it accountable.

International Outrage Over Israel’s Rafah Tent Massacre Has Not Slowed IDF Offensive
Sanjana Karanth
Wed, 29 May 2024 at 12:46 am BST·4-min read
All Eyes On Rafah

Despite immediately facing outrage from the international community for killing dozens of displaced Palestinians in an attack that set a tent camp in Rafah, Gaza, ablaze, Israel is continuing its deadly military offensive that is destroying so-called safe zones that are housing people with nowhere else to go.

Israeli forces bombed a displacement camp in Tal al-Sultan on Sunday night, engulfing the tents sheltering Palestinians in flames. Gruesome footage showed charred corpses, people burned alive and children’s bodies torn apart. The Israeli attack killed at least 45 people and wounded hundreds more, and it resulted in condemnation and expressions of horror from many in the international community.

Despite the Israel Defense Forces claiming the attack was precision-based, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the bombing was a “tragic mistake.” But less than 48 hours later, Israel bombed another makeshift tent camp in a designated civilian evacuation zone. 

Gaza emergency officials said that Israeli forces attacked a cluster of tents in Al-Mawasi, an overcrowded coastal strip with no infrastructure that Israel had ordered refugees in Rafah to move to for safety. The shelling killed at least 21 people, more than half of them women and girls, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

A Palestinian boy cries next to the bodies of those killed in an Israeli attack Monday west of Rafah, Gaza. At least 21 people were killed as Israeli forces shelled a tent camp in Al-Mawasi, the third such attack on areas designated by Israel as 'safe'.

A Palestinian boy cries next to the bodies of those killed in an Israeli attack Monday west of Rafah, Gaza. At least 21 people were killed as Israeli forces shelled a tent camp in Al-Mawasi, the third such attack on areas designated by Israel as "safe zones" in the last 48 hours, the Rafah Emergency Committee said. Hani Alshaer/Anadolu via Getty Images

“People are shocked, people cannot talk, people found theirselves gathering the remains of human bodies, of their beloved ones,” freelance journalist Bisan Owda said in an Instagram video on Tuesday, speaking over the sound of aircraft.

“So, I just cannot describe anything because I’m afraid of looking under my feet because people are still collecting human pieces,” she said before showing one of the blood-spattered tents. “See the blood? See the blood and the shrapnels here and there ― all these shrapnels, the holes in the blanket, killed people inside.”

The IDF denied on social media that it attacked the humanitarian area in Al-Mawasi. But Palestinian journalists on the ground in Gaza refuted the military’s claims.

“I went back just now to the last leaflet that Israelis dropped on Rafah, and a place that was targeted right now was Block 2360,” Al Jazeera correspondent Hind Khoudary said Tuesday, referring to the leaflets the IDF airdropped earlier this year to order Palestinians to evacuate Rafah.

“In this leaflet, the Israeli forces mentioned that they’re calling people to evacuate to all the humanitarian areas – to Deir al-Balah, to Khan Younis and Al-Mawasi area ― and one of these areas that was mentioned is Block 2360, which has been targeted right now,” Khoudary said. “So yes, this place was designated as safe, this place was designated as a humanitarian area, according to the last leaflet that was dropped by the Israeli forces on people in Rafah.”...

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22 charities welcome ICJ order to halt Israel’s military offensive in Rafah, urge UK to uphold its measures

“As an aid worker in Gaza the current situation is deeply distressing. The feeling of helplessness and frustration is overwhelming. Our primary mission is to help those in need, but with the borders closed and no aid coming in, our hands are tied. We are acutely aware of the worsening conditions and the urgent needs of people, and it is heartbreaking to witness their suffering without being able to provide the necessary support.”

On 24 May 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered additional provisional measures regarding Israel’s alleged violations in Gaza of obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The court ordered that, in light of the worsening conditions in Rafah, Israel must immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah governorate, which may subject the Palestinian population in Gaza to conditions of life that may lead to their physical destruction, in whole or in part. The court described the conditions in Rafah as ‘disastrous’ and is ‘not convinced that the evacuation efforts and related measures that Israel affirms to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians in the Gaza Strip, and in particular those recently displaced from the Rafah Governorate, are sufficient to alleviate the immense risk to which the Palestinian population is exposed as a result of the military offensive in Rafah.’

The ICJ reaffirmed provisional measures indicated in its orders of 26 January 2024, and 28 March 2024, applicable throughout Gaza, including Rafah, and called for their immediate and effective implementation. This includes the unhindered provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance, and the maintained opening of land crossing points, particularly the Rafah crossing. The Court also ordered Israel to allow unhindered access for any commission of inquiry, fact-finding initiatives or other UN bodies to investigate allegations of genocide. It also reiterated calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. Israel is required to submit a report one month from today, outlining all measures taken to comply with these orders.

The UK must unreservedly accept the findings and orders of the Court. As a signatory to the Genocide Convention and the UN Charter, the UK must ensure that the Court's decisions are respected and enacted, by way of public statements and concrete policy actions. Failure to do so not only risks further loss of civilian lives, it also risks unravelling the very foundations of the international rules-based system and international justice. The application of justice and accountability for international crimes can never be selective. Inconsistency enables impunity. The situation in Gaza has deteriorated significantly, despite the ICJ’s 26 January order that Israeli authorities must prevent and punish acts of genocide. Since 8 October, at least 35,000 Palestinians have been killed, with thousands left under the rubble, and nearly 80,000 have been injured. The population is being starved, with mass destruction of civilian infrastructure and little access to clean water, sanitation and healthcare under Israel’s continued indiscriminate bombardment and deliberate and systematic deprivation of aid in Gaza.

The UK must now do everything in its power to ensure that Israel complies with its obligations under international law, including in respect of all of the measures ordered by the ICJ. The Israeli government has already failed to comply with the ICJ’s orders, and the UK must urgently use every available lever to ensure its compliance, urgently halt Israel’s assault on Rafah, and demand an immediate and lasting ceasefire. This includes suspending arms transfers to Israel for as long as there is a risk they may be used to violate international law. The UK must uphold its signatory obligations under the convention to prevent and punish the crime of genocide, and must ensure that it is in no way enabling, or otherwise complicit, in the commission of acts that the Court has found could plausibly be in violation of the Genocide Convention...

UK: Five ministers included in Gaza war crimes complaint submitted to police

A 60-page complaint by legal advocacy group ICJP accuses Israel of using 'starvation as a weapon of war’ and 'wilfully causing great suffering'

The International Centre for Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) submitted a new complaint to British police on Wednesday, accusing Israel of using "starvation as a weapon of war" and "wilfully causing great suffering to a civilian population".

Echoing the reasoning laid out by International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan on Monday, the London-based advocacy group highlighted that both accusations were criminal offences under British and international law.

The filings by the ICJP this week follow an earlier complaint in January against senior UK politicians, including ministers, alleging their complicity in war crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip.

Four senior ministers were included in that complaint and the new accusations include the addition of another, totalling five.

The organisation says that Wednesday's complaint is one of the most comprehensive submitted to Scotland Yard, the headquarters of the Metropolitan police, regarding Israel's military campaign in Gaza.

At 60 pages long, it also contains an 800-page annex containing evidence including expert reports, eyewitness testimonies and reports by medical staff who have worked in Gaza.

The complaint was compiled by the ICJP teams, which include former British police officers who were collecting evidence to UK police standards.

Scotland Yard's War Crimes Investigation Team will now consider the evidence contained within the complaint.
Israel responding to ICC with 'political blitz' to undermine court
Read More »

"We intend to ensure that allegations of war crimes against suspected Israeli war criminals and those who enable them are prosecuted, whether that be at the ICC, in the UK or across the globe," said ICJP director Tayab Ali.

"We will ensure that there will be no place for suspected war criminals to hide, especially not the UK."

On Monday, ICC prosecutors announced their application for arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as three leaders of Hamas.

Britain's Deputy Foreign Secretary Andrew Mitchell accused the ICC of making "unworthy and ludicrous" comparisons by issuing arrest warrants for Hamas and Israeli leaders together.

"We do not believe the ICC prosecutor seeking warrants will help with a ceasefire. As we have said from the outset, we do not think the ICC has jurisdiction in this case."

Israel's war on Gaza has drawn widespread condemnation and is the subject of an ongoing genocide case at the International Court of Justice.

More than 35,000 Palestinians have been killed since October, the vast majority of them women and children.

Against Landlords:How to Solve the Housing Crisis

by Nick Bano / 240 pages / March 2024 / 9781804293874

When landlords always win and renters pay the price, what can be done?

Housing means prosperity and security for some; poverty, precarity and sickness for others. More people live in private rented accommodation than ever before, and rents rise without apparent reason. Homes are smaller every year, and nearly 20 per cent of tenants live in hazardous conditions. Homelessness is at a new high. Yet the government’s only solution is to promote homeownership.

Against Landlords shows that this crisis is not the product of happenstance or political incompetence. Government policy has intentionally split British citizens into homeowners and renters, two classes set on very different financial paths. In the UK, one out of every twenty-one adults is a landlord, and it is this group, and those who aspire to join it, represented by the political class.

In his radical new interpretation of the housing crisis, lawyer Nick Bano explains how this environment set the conditions for the Grenfell Tower fire and how it means a life of anxiety for the nation’s renters. It is a problem that stretches far beyond London and one inherently racist in nature.

Building more housing is not the solution. It is firstly a problem of the law, Bano argues, and reforms must sweep away the landlordism at the heart of the housing crisis and British political life.

A powerful weapon against those who think that building is the answer to everything

Rowan Moore, Observer

A devastating, forensic, careful, considered attack on the bustard landlords and every lie, nastiness and evil that they represent.

Danny Dorling, author of Shattered Nation

One of the best and most rigorous explanations of how the current system is rigged in favour of landlords and why that needs to change.

Vicky Spratt, author of Tenants

The Lost Tribe of Fleet Street
Whatever happened to the labour and industrial correspondents?
Edited by Nicholas Jones Published March 2011

The Lost Tribe of Fleet Street records the exploits of the Labour and Industrial Correspondents' Group, a once elite and prolific band of journalists whose demise has passed by almost unnoticed. The Labour governments of Clement Attlee, Harold Wilson and Jim Callaghan were their heyday when trade union influence was at its highest. Reporters well versed in the affairs of the wider labour movement were able to elbow aside political correspondents and gain direct access to Prime Ministers and their Cabinets. Margaret Thatcher's Premiership, although a decade of catastrophic defeat for the unions, was another headline-grabbing era for journalists on the industrial beat. But the growth of the City of London as a world financial centre finally put paid to the authoritative reporting of old. In recent years business news has ruled supreme and now dominates the way the fortunes of Britain's major employers - and their employees - are reported by press, radio, television and now the internet. A hostile take-over bid or volatility in exchange rates and share prices is far more likely to capture the attention of the news media than an in depth examination of a pay dispute or the impact plant closures and redundancies.

Contributors include Geoffrey Goodman, former Daily Mirror industrial editor, Nicholas Jones, former BBC Radio labour correspondent, John Lloyd, former Financial Times labour editor and Stefan Stern, former Financial Times management columnist.

Iranian Embassy holds memorial ceremony on the martyrdom of Iranian President and his companions

21 May، 2024

Damascus, SANA-Iranian Embassy in Damascus held on Tuesday a memorial ceremony and opened a register of condolences on the martyrdom of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian and their companions following the crash of the helicopter they were traveling onboard.

Speaker of the People’s Assembly, Hammouda Sabbagh, several ministers and officials extended their condolences at the Iranian chancery in Damascus.

“In my name and on behalf of the members of the People’s Assembly, I extend my deepest condolences and sincere fraternal feelings, and sincere prayers for the Iranian people in that painful event, praying to God to have mercy upon their souls,” Sabbagh said in the condolence.

In a press statement, Sabbagh described relations between Syria and Iran as stong and deep-rooted and the two peoples are linked by great ties.

Buthaina Shaaban, Special Adviser at the Republic Presidency, also extended her condolence, saying that the two deceased were sincere and honest, working throughout their careers to bring truth, peace and justice to the entire world.

“The loss is shared by us and by the world and by everyone who believes in peace and who stands in the face of war and terrorism,” Shaaban said.

The Iranian Ambassador in Damascus, Hussein Akbari, offered his condolences to the Iranian people and all the peoples in the countries of the axis of resistance and all the free people of the world over the painful incident, thanking the Syrian government and all the mourners and appreciating their attendance and sympathy.

“This is an indication of deep and strategic relations linking Syria and Iran,” the Ambassador said.

Iranian News Agency announced on Monday the martyrdom of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, and the delegation accompanying them as a result of the helicopter crash that was carrying them in East Azerbaijan Province.

King Charles, saviur of planet Earth, Skin

How the monarchy cashes in on our seabed
The royal family has made millions from the exploitation of the seabed—a resource that belongs to us all. Is it time for people and planet to be put ahead of profit?
By Guy Standing July 19, 2023

Ever since ancient Rome, the sea, seabed and seashore have been accepted as part of the commons—res communes omnium—belonging to everybody equally, and inalienable as state or private property. The commons as a distinct form of property was taken forward in Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest of 1217, the twin bedrocks of common law and all democracies.

A commons depends on the “sovereign”—in the UK’s case, the monarchy—acting as steward or trustee, with responsibility for preserving it for generations to come. For more than 650 years, following a ruling by King Edward I in 1299, the monarchy accepted this positive duty, known as the Public Trust Doctrine.

However, in the past 60 years, the monarchy has gradually plundered the blue commons—the seabed around the British Isles—transforming it into nothing less than a rentier capitalist empire. That empire, in the decade since 2013, is thought to have earned the royal family in the region of £193m. The new king, Charles III, who while heir to the throne established a reputation as an environment protector, has inherited and continues to profit from this system.

The evolution began in 1961, two years after the discovery in Dutch waters of large quantities of North Sea gas. The Crown Estate was constituted by an act of parliament to manage the assets belonging to the monarchy, with a mandate to maximise revenue and capital value for the Treasury. As King, Charles is not involved in managing these assets; they are not the monarch’s personal property but “the sovereign’s public estate”, managed by the Crown Estate supposedly in the public interest.

At the time, the Crown had no ownership rights in the sea beyond the lower-tide mark on the seashore. Indeed, in 1951 the Labour foreign secretary, Herbert Morrison, had declared that the sea around Britain was not the property of the state or anybody. 

But in 1962, as was revealed much later, the Queen privately told the first commissioner of the Estate—the leader of the board running the corporation’s commercial interests—that she had seen something about “taking over rights on land under the sea”. In fact, the Estate’s legal adviser in 1959 had proposed enshrining in law the extension of Crown lands to the whole of the continental shelf. Other Estate officials advised against trying to extend rights to the seabed, because this would draw attention to the fact that no existing legislation gave such ownership.

However, prompted by the passing of a UN convention that granted states rights to the continental shelves by their shores, and by drilling companies seeking legal clarity on ownership of the seabed in expectation of finding commercial oil and gas reserves, the outgoing Conservative government of Alec Douglas-Home passed the Continental Shelf Act in 1964. It gave the Crown Estate precisely the rights it had earlier refrained from seeking. This granting of ownership to the Crown Estate was a huge enclosure of the commons but did not change the fact that the seabed was still part of the commons. The Crown, and the government as its agent, became the seabed’s steward, responsible for preserving it.

All at sea: the Crown Estate (and in Scotland, the separate Crown Estate Scotland) owns the seabed to 12 nautical miles out. It also holds rights to explore and use natural resources (except oil, coal and gas) and generate renewable power on the UK’s continental shelf All at sea: the Crown Estate (and in Scotland, the separate Crown Estate Scotland) owns the seabed to 12 nautical miles out. It also holds rights to explore and use natural resources (except oil, coal and gas) and generate renewable power on the UK’s continental shelf © Prospect

As a business, the Crown Estate grew at a modest rate during the following decades, returning all revenue to the Treasury while the monarch received a fixed sum—the annual “civil list”—to pay for royal expenses. The Estate’s marine activities did not include the North Sea oil and gas bonanza, for although the Crown owns the oil and gas found beneath the sea, as beneath the land, their exploitation is managed by the government and its agencies. 

In the 1980s, the Thatcher government sold leases on lots in the North Sea to oil companies at ridiculously low prices, taking the revenue as a windfall profit to pay for tax cuts. This was a blatant depletion of the commons, in sharp contrast to Norway’s decision to use its

FULL SHOW GB News Censor UK Forces Veterans Bath PTSD Camp
Rich List
whistleblower David McBride jailed
Robert Fico assassination attempt
Israelism documentary
Zionists and Hitler love Wagner
Did the Vatican create Islam

– Darren Edmundson joins Tony and Martin. Darren is a veteran who had PTSD and was helped by the PTSD Camp near Bath.
– Veterans PTSD Camp Bath was raided in 2021 by MI5 London anti-terror cops who suspected they were hiding firearms and other weapons
– Meta platforms breach EU law – for spying on the under age. Facebook and Instagram face fresh EU digital scrutiny over child safety measures
– The European Union opened fresh investigations Thursday into Facebook and Instagram over suspicions that they’re failing to protect children online,
– Kevin Cahill, former compiler of the Sunday Times Rich List, discusses this years Rich List – Rishi Sunak and wife very rich!
– Britain’s migrant hotel “king” has amassed a vast £750 million from putting up asylum seekers in his holiday parks.
– Germany deported 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there, for wearing Nazi symbols. Tito, at a Labour event, on Labour helping students.
– Australian SAS whistleblower David McBride jailed for over 5 years while the SAS war criminal he exposed, Ben Roberts-Smith, goes free???
– PTSD Camp at Norton St Phillips, near Bath. PTSD Camp Bath are always here to support our Veterans and Families.
– Slovakia’s Pro-Russia Anti-Lockdown PM Robert Fico survives assassination attempt –
– Assassination attempt of Robert Fico, Slovakian PM. Who is behind this? Medvedev on this attempted assassination. British Empire –
– Elite universities are hedge funds attached to real-estate empires run by right-wing billionaires with lucrative research arms
– Enmeshed with the military-surveillance state and a side hustle in education that make their vast holdings tax free.
– No actual education is taught, just grooming to be efficient, obedient workers for the power behind the throne.
– Naked – IMF and austerity to protect assets of rich . IMF grim warnings on economy
– Global elite suppressing demand forcing austerity on nations to protect the value of their assets against inflation. Ordinary folk suffer so they stay rich.
– The IMF’s Chronicle of a Catastrophe Foretold – by Yves Smith
– The new Cold War of the last decade and other geo-political considerations increasingly shape economic and financial policies worldwide.
– Powerful nations have weaponised their formulation, implementation and enforcement.
– Privatisation of water – cryptosporidium. Financial crash coming in West. Zelensky’s Presidency to end – but no election as War.
– President Chi welcomes Putin. Reminiscences of the Future website. Their desperation is so thick, you can cut it with the knife.
– Watch: Israelism the documentary (2023) – War crimes trial in Hague – Israel committing genocide.
– ‘Israelism’ documentary – Jews encouraged on the importance of Israel to them from a young age. Israelism Documentary Film (2023)
– Occult roots of Zionism: David Livingstone, author of ‘Zionism, history of a Jewish heresy (2024)’,
– Adolf Hitler loved a particular Wagner opera called Tannhauser, and so did Theodor Herzl, founder of Zionism, the man who wanted to create the Israel state.
– Walter Veith on how the Muslim religion could have been started by The Vatican.
the symbol of Israel Islam is the sickle moon and the star the star within the sickle moon now where does this symbol come from and who is Allah
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

BBC WS Newshour 19May24 2100BST report list of Iranian armed forces and government leaders who have died in plane crashes
Siavash Ardalan BBC Persian reports
Helicopter carrying Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi crashes in mountains
Rescue teams are searching a remote mountain region for a helicopter carrying Iran's president and foreign minister. We have the latest, and ask what it could mean for Iran.


Russia-Ukraine war tests unity of Spain’s left-wing government
Spain’s ruling Socialist party is in favour of arming Kyiv but its junior coalition partner remains unconvinced.

Fallout of Ukraine war reaches Spain, PM’s office targeted in series of letter-bombs


Ireland and Spain among EU nations striking a different note on Gaza war

Spain leads European push to recognise Palestine, risking Israel’s wrath


UK caves to Spain as Red Arrows dragged into post-Brexit Gibraltar deal row – leaked memo
Tensions between Britain and Spain have escalated over the status of Gibraltar, with leaked diplomatic cables revealing Britain's capitulation to Spanish pressure in recent negotiations.
The controversy surfaced after the cancellation of a Red Arrows aerobatics display last September, following warnings from Spanish officials....
....These cancellations are part of a series of events that have been called off in Gibraltar in recent years, including a planned visit of HMS Queen Elizabeth, in what appears to be an attempt to avoid upsetting Spanish sensitivities.....

WWIII NATO Secret Government Bilderberg 2024 winkled out 30 May in Madrid - NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Joe Banks, freelance journalist, joins Tony and Martin. Green Party gets in to power in Bristol. How will it be different post Mayor? Will planning be different in Bristol? Who was voted out and in. Turnout was low. Bristol City Council local election results in full for every ward. Here are the results in full for every ward in Bristol of the local elections held on Thursday, May 2. T

Disclosure by Nya Tider: Time and place for Bilderberg 2024. Bilderberg 2024 Madrid, 30May-02Jun Eurostars Suites Mirasierra, Alfredo Marqueríe, 43, Madrid , 28034, Spain. As the first magazine in the world, Nya Tider discloses where and when 2024 year's Bilderberg meeting will take place. Nya Tider has been in contact with the Swedish government office and invoked the country’s constitutionally protected principle of public access to official records, in order to be able to obtain documents relating to the global lobby group’s communication to the Swedish government. Finally, we get to see an e-mail sent to Angela Kennedy, employed as a secretary to Sweden’s EU Minister, Jessika Roswall (Moderate party). It states that the Bilderberg Group meeting takes place in the Spanish capital of Madrid from May 30 to June 2. The message reads as follows:

Jonathan Cook, author and former Guardian journalist, speech at Anti Genocide in Gaza march in Bristol. Biden’s war on Gaza is now a war on truth and the right to protest. by Jonathan Cook. The media’s role is to draw attention away from what the students are protesting – complicity in genocide – and engineer a moral panic to leave the genocide undisturbed.

Israeli dissident Ronnie Barkan, from Palestine Action, on his opinions on Israel as a Jew, and what Netanyahu's plans are. - Ronnie's YouTube Channel - Ronnie's Twitter account - UN-VOTING at the #IsraeliElections - where 56% of the population under the Israeli #apartheid regime have no suffrage and an additional 8% can vote while legally denied the right to challenge racial domination...

Alex Krainer, author, on Covid shots changing people's DNA, the West militarising against Russia. Putin's speech. Andre Culamsky, BBC , on Putin. West blaming Russia for what it does itself. Alex Krainer Trend Compass Substack and X @nakedhedgie. Serbia - Chinese investment. Decoding the Russia vs. the West relationship, Condensed in a 22-min. podcast with Ivor Cummins, Alex Krainer.

Dr. David Hughes, author and lecturer, on technocracy, and government control systems.

Dr Robert Malone on 5th Generation Warfare.
Wikispooks - Bilderberg and Covid.
Elizabeth Nickson, author and journalist, on human sacrifice by native Americans which ended when Christians arrived.

COMPLETE SHOW AND FULL INTERVIEWS [right click to download]
#1 - Complete 3hr 55min show - [right click to download]
Full interviews with...
#2 - Ronnie Barkan Palestine Action Elbit Seven legal jurisdiction and Pre Crime arrests - 00:45:00
#3 - David Hughes Covid-19 Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy (2024) - 01:05:00
#4 - Dr Robert Malone- Fifth Generation Warfare and Sovereignty - 00:30:00
#5 - Tony Dyer Bristol City Council Leader's book Anglo-Saxon Democracy (2010) - 00:45:00
#6 - Keir Starmer Labour plan to stop the boats, Rwanda plan a gimmick - 00:45:00
#7 - Celebration for Ascension Day BBCR4 100 Years of UK Christian broadcasting - 01:00:00

Tony's paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader - all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm's weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, 'rested due to the pandemic' on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity 'CEO' Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol's all-powerful right-wing 'Labour' mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you'd like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the 'Don' himself, here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry - Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

A Celebration for Ascension Day

The first church service broadcast on the BBC was held at St Martin-in-the-Fields in 1924, led by Revered Dick Sheppard. 100 years later, the current vicar of St Martin's the Reverend Dr Sam Wells preaches live on Radio 4 to mark Ascension Day - the time when Christians celebrate Jesus ascending to heaven after his resurrection.

The Reverend Lucy Winkett leads the service, with contributions from Pam Rhodes, Swarzy Macaly, with readers Leslie Griffiths, Canon Ann Easter, Karen Gibson, Fr Paschal Uche and Angel Morgan.

There’s beautiful choral music from St Martin’s Voices directed by Andrew Earis, Laura Wright and this year’s winners of BBC Young Chorister Natalie and Belinda and gospel from Volney Morgan & New Ye. The organist is John Hosking and the trumpeter is Imogen Whitehead.

Producer: Miriam Williamson
Sound engineer: Simon Tindall



Excerpt played in this show - and full recording shared here and elsewhere because the BBC only sees fit to keep this programme online for one month when they could and should do so indefinitely.

Israeli dissident Ronnie Barkan of Palestine Action Elbit 7 fame explains Zionism's Nazi connections, how Tory justice minister Ken Clarke cut UK off from international law to protect war criminal Tzipi Livni political interference and legal injustices with the UK court process and Bristol's recent unprecedented Avon and Somerset Pre Crime arrests...

25:00 Discussion of pensioners and journalists arrested BEFORE anti-genocide protest (see below)

Pro-Palestine group arrested in overnight Bristol raid

Nine people are taken into custody on suspicion of conspiracy to cause criminal damage

Multiple people have been arrested after an overnight police raid in Bristol. Nine people were taken into custody at an address in Bristol overnight between April 24 and 25, police have confirmed.

According to the group Palestine Action, members were arrested for "allegedly conspiring to commit criminal damage". Posting on social media, the organisation said 15 people had been taken into custody, but Avon and Somerset Police has said nine people were arrested.

A spokesperson for Avon and Somerset Police said: "Nine people were arrested at an address in Bristol over the night of 24 and 25 April on suspicion of conspiracy to cause criminal damage. They have since been released on conditional police bail."

Earlier this month, four pro-Palestine protesters were arrested in Taunton after a protest outside the town's county hall. Demonstrators allegedly glued themselves to the pavement outside the building and sprayed it with blood-red paint during a protest on Thursday, April 4.

Back in February, three people were arrested in Aztec West after locking themselves together outside Elbit Systems. At the time, Avon and Somerset Police did not clarify what offence the three people were alleged to have committed, but under the Public Order Act 2023, 'locking-on' is an offence itself.

Different activist groups have been protesting the war in Palestine regularly in different ways since the conflict began in October last year. Last weekend, two separate marches took place, with demonstrators taking a familiar place in College Green and outside Elbit, the Israeli-owned defence company in Filton.

Humans Refuse to Herd/Kill The Masses, So The Elite Are Using AI Bots To Enslave Us: Dr David Hughes

David Hughes was one of the few academics who questioned the mainstream narrative following the attacks that triggered the War on Terror. That gave him a crucial advantage when the Covid emergency was declared. In this provocative study he explores in depth how governments have declared war on their populations to achieve a transformation to a technocratic dictatorship. The combination with psychological techniques developed over many decades makes this a particularly grave danger, which requires careful dissection to be understood and resisted. This book, the first of a two-volume set, provides that analysis.~ Kees van der Pijl, author of States of Emergency. Keeping the Global Population in Check (Clarity Press, 2022) (The Netherlands)The silent coup engineering global central control depends heavily on asymmetrical warfare – including extensive investment in and application of psychological and neurological weaponry. In this book, David Hughes documents the development and application of a wide portfolio of soft and hard – and often invisible – weapons to brutally manipulate minds and emotions to engineer the adoption of technocracy. The first step to not falling victim is to see these 21st century weapons of war clearly. Hughes’ formidable scholarship helps you to do so.~ Catherine Austin Fitts, Publisher, The Solari Report (United States)David A. Hughes is Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Lincoln. He received his undergraduate and master’s degrees from Oxford University and holds doctorates in German Studies (Duke University) and International Relations (Oxford Brookes University). His research focuses on psychological warfare, "9/11," "Covid-19," the deep state, technocracy, global class relations, and resurgent totalitarianism.Camouflaged by “Covid-19,” an undeclared global class war was initiated in 2020, aimed at replacing liberal democracy with technocracy, a novel, biodigital form of totalitarianism. The opening campaign involved the largest psychological operation in history, intended to demoralise, disorientate, and debilitate the public. This volume deals with the application of shock and stress, trauma-based mind control, the use of fear and threat, cognitive attack, weaponised deception, and techniques for turning society against itself.

— New leader for SNP, after Greens let down. Scottish independence. Brexit. UK local election results.
— Tories lose half their Councillors and Labour Libdem Green take votes proportionally, its just a Tory fail. New Police Commissioner, Bristol.
— SHOCK analysis has predicted Labour will FAIL to win a majority at the next election. Taking the results so far announced
— BBC Radio Bristol – local Councillors discussing clean air zone. Bristol Clean Air Zone row erupts over expansion prospect –
— Bristol Mayor and mayoral system gone. Metro Mayor. George Galloway, Workers Party, on LBC Radio. 40 year low for Tory votes
— Will Rishi stop the boats? (No!) Migration. Labour may not get an overall majority in a general election.
— Vouchers instead of PIP for UK disabled? Snooping on bank accounts of the poor? Free public transport in Glasgow.
— Joe Stiglitz, former World Bank chief economist, C4 News – one freedom reduces another freedom – regulation necessary.
— Argentina has been experimented on by the banksters for decades – a new model US NWO controlled economy.
— Somerset County Council apologize to Elbit for evicting them Somerset Council passes motion to evict Israeli arms firm then apologises to Elbit
— Tweets by shoestring911 Shoestring 9/11 on X. ‘9/11 Israel Did It’ – After 9/11
— More detentions of Israelis Following 9/11, over 60 Israelis were detained either under the Patriot anti-Terrorism Act
— Pro-genocide Mike Graham, Talk TV, interviews Avi Hyman, spokesman for Israeli government – when ceasefire?
— Murdoch owns parts of Syria occupied by Israel. Rupert Murdoch and the Israeli Genie by Michael Dickinson
— PC Mohammed Adil – pro Hamas messages apparently are a form of terrorism. But the UK based Satanic
— Nazi murder cult The Order of Nine Angles are NOT a terror group according to the Home Office who refuse to designate them as such.
— West Yorkshire police officer admits 'terror offences' over Hamas Whatsapp messages
— Lemas Israeli hostage in Gaza – body turns up in Israel Biden’s talk – sleepy. Rageh Omah becoming ill while reading the news.
— Sangita Myska loses job at LBC radio over this interview management bullying’ after interviewing Israeli government genocide apologist Avi Hyman –
— Black market nukes: 1993 Cook Report lost for 30 years – The Cook Report July 1993 programme lost for thirty years
— In his characteristic journalistic sting Roger Cook is offered Soviet nuclear bombs and weapons grade plutonium on the black market.
— PMQs Rishi – Gaza ceasefire. Mohammed Makawi, Bristol Green Councillor, says sorry for ‘anti Semitic’ comment.
— LA student Anti Genocide in Gaza protests – Biden criticises them. Dozens arrested in US campuses in another weekend of pro-Palestine protests
— Student Mario Savio 1964 protestor against Vietnam war. Mario Savio’s Speech at Sproul Hall Steps, December 2, 1964
— Elizabeth Nickson: Eco Fascists Default To Tyranny How Weaponised 'Greens' Are Privatising The Earth
— Elizabeth Nickson, author of ‘Eco-Fascists’, how forestry is banned and working people destroyed in large parts of Canada by ‘conservationists’,
— AND her substack post on the tribal regressive element of tattoos. At present, mind control is being used to take land and resources from us
— Richard Jeffs’ Documentary Environmental Social Governance (ESG) just out on the bureaucracy controlling businesses
— Being brought in by WEF and puppet governments. Stakeholder Communism (feature film):
— Russell Brand has been baptised and been born again in Jesus Christ, he’s now a Christian. Russell Brand calls baptism ‘incredible, profound experience’
— NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

If Roger can get black market nukes, why not ANY state?
Also features the late great Magnox station nuclear engineer John Large.

Please support the Cook Report YouTube channel

In this long-lost episode Roger is offered Soviet weapons grade plutonium and SS-20 mobile 1 megaton nuclear missile systems with a range of 3000 miles! - For some months in the early 1990s, there had been occasional newspaper reports, mainly tucked away in the foreign pages, of nuclear material being smuggled out of the former Soviet Union for sale illegally to anyone with the money. But no journalist had yet sought to demonstrate how easily such material might be acquired. Could The Cook Report do so? By 1993, The World Trade Center in New York had been attacked – for the first time – by what later turned out to be al-Qaeda extremists. Was it only a matter of time before some fanatical organisation upped the ante and got hold of enough plutonium to make a small bomb to be detonated in another Western city?

The Cook Report created an elaborate cover story and through an undercover contact in Moscow, the programme was eventually introduced to two prominent Russian members of the Solntsevskaya Bratva – the Russian Mafia – who could supply weapons-grade Plutonium. The plan was that Roger Cook would pose as the representative of a reactionary Middle Eastern regime eager to join the nuclear club and keen to buy enough plutonium 239 to make several small nuclear bombs.

Back in Britain, the programme hired an eminent consultant nuclear engineer who built us a highly accurate replica nuclear device in a briefcase from information freely available on the internet. There were several options, but the programme opted to replicate a relatively simple bomb that would operate in one of two modes – in that even if it failed to produce a nuclear explosion, it would still act as a very effective Radiological Dispersal Device – an RDD. These evil devices later became known as ‘dirty bombs’, so called because triggering them would disperse countless millions of highly radioactive particles over the target area and could render that area uninhabitable for centuries.

In a seedy back-street maisonette in Moscow, Cook’s Mafiosi targets negotiated to sell him 25 kilogrammes of Plutonium 239 for $200 million and offered a sample from a stash kept under the stairs next to their vacuum cleaner. The situation was as bizarre as it was dangerous and the sample later tested out as the real thing. Also on offer was a ready-made bomb in the form of an SS-20 nuclear warhead. Naturally, that was as far as the programme took the transaction, but the vendors were reported to the Russian security services, the FSB, later that day. They were promptly arrested and the illegal nuclear material was recovered. So, it was relatively easy to build a dirty bomb – and as the Cook Report would prove, relatively easy to acquire the nuclear material needed to do so. And if mere journalists could do this, surely a terrorist could too.

Soviet Nukes For Sale On The Black Market; BUT WHO BOUGHT THEM? Episode LOST for thirty years: The Cook Report, Dirty Bomb (1993)

Forty million Americans have been driven from their lands and rural culture is being systematically crushed, even as wildlife, forests, and rangelands are dying. Journalist Elizabeth Nickson’s investigations into these events have revealed a shocking rather than safeguarding our environment, radical conservationists are actually destroying our natural heritage. In Eco-Fascists , Nickson documents the destructive impact of the environmental movement in North America and beyond, detailing the extreme damage environmental radicals in local and national government agencies are doing to the land, the ecosystems, and the people. Readers of Alston Chase’s Playing God in Yellowstone and In a Dark Wood , and anyone who is deeply concerned about global warming and the environment must read Elizabeth Nickson’s Eco-Fascists .

This book exposes and provides details of the efforts of radical environmentalists to drive residents out of rural areas into cities where they can be more easily controlled. There are many nonsensical and onerous rules and regulations concerning the use of one's private property. The Wildlands Project seeks to provide a corridor for wild animals by removing people and "restoring wilderness". This is an important book to read. Chances are unless you already live in a city, worship Gaia, and feel wild animals should have more rights than people this book will both scare you and make you angry. It is well written and a quick read.

The British War Office through the RIIA, commissioned Lords Northcliffe and Rothmere (the Daily Mail) and Arnold Toynbee, head of RIIA, and an MI6 operative, to do a study on manipulating war information. The project was managed out of Wellington House. Americans Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman were roped in and they held brainstorming sessions to mobilize the working class, who were expected to die in record numbers. Using the Daily Mail, they tested and tested techniques and decided that 13% of us were capable of critical thinking. The rest they could play like meat puppets. Records of the time show that by 1917, 94% of the working class did not have the faintest idea what they were dying for other than the Germans were horrible and bent on destroying King and country and had to be wiped out. (John Coleman from War Office Records). Then they did it to Americans. They were dying to increase the wealth of these people.

It was so effective, mind control was born.

At present, mind control is being used to take land and resources from us in the Americas, as they have in the developing world since the 17th C., and use us as another resource, on admittedly better living standards than cobalt miners. We will have lost all self-determination, as our lands and property will have been alienated. Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 are a mapping of the world’s resources and a subsequent setting aside of 30%, then 50% and then 75%. 90%, of land, water, minerals, wood, farm and rangelands. All of that will be owned through a series of international treaties negotiated through the UN, with national and regional governments, to be exploited by these people without adherence to national is the propaganda, this map below is the reality. Turquoise zones are where humans will be permitted to live.

Report: Israel continues to violate ICJ ruling on Gaza
Treatment of civilians during armed conflicts

Geneva – Over the course of the two months that followed the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling, Israel did not abide by the order and continued to commit genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. The genocide has been ongoing since 7 October 2023, amid a total lack of accountability and a complete international failure to protect the Palestinian people from the crime.

Israel has in fact committed more violations in some instances than it did in the time leading up to the Court’s ruling   

A newly released report by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor titled “Two Months after the International Court of Justice’s Ruling on Gaza: Escalation in Genocide and Absence of Accountability” contains documentation of Israel’s ongoing acts of genocide against the Palestinian people in the Strip. The report examines Israel’s lack of response to the Court’s ruling, which ordered Israel to take six provisional measures.

The ICJ issued a decision on 26 January 2024 ordering Israel to take specific provisional measures to prevent the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. Stating that it was convinced that Israel’s actions in the Strip posed a real and immediate threat to the Palestinian people, the ICJ cited the possibility of irreversible effects and harm to Palestinian rights protected under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Based on efforts to monitor and document the crimes and violations that Israel has committed in the Gaza Strip, as well as on investigations into and assessments of its level of compliance during the two-month period following the ruling, Euro-Med Monitor believes that Israel has not complied with the ICJ ruling. The majority of the provisional measures outlined in the ruling were violated, and the crime of genocide was carried out on the same scale. Various forms and acts of genocide were committed with the intent of destroying the Palestinian people.

Two months after the ICJ’s ruling, Israel proceeds to carry out its crime of genocide at the same scale, including killing civilians, targeting civilians through systematic and widespread military attacks, and using illegal, indiscriminate, and highly destructive weapons.

Targeting civilian gatherings around humanitarian aid trucks with direct gunshots, quadcopters, and Israeli tank shells is one of the most well-documented examples of the unlawful killings and executions carried out by the Israeli army against Palestinian civilians over the past few weeks. These incidents, which have become known as the “Flour Massacres”, resulted in the deaths of 563 citizens and the injury of 1,523 others. This figure includes civilians awaiting aid and workers in charge of planning, securing, and distributing aid.

The report also addressed the crimes that Israel continued to commit with the aim of inflicting severe physical and psychological harm on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, particularly through deprivation of healthcare, torture, inhumane treatment, sexual violence, and the use of prohibited, indiscriminate, and highly destructive weapons.

Furthermore, the report outlined the ongoing crimes committed by Israel aimed at deliberately causing material destruction to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including forced displacement, starvation, rendering the area uninhabitable, and eradicating the Palestinian identity of the region.

'Ill' Rageh Omaar Presents ITV National News but Fluffs his Autcue Lines Fri26Apr24

Similar incident in 2022

ITV sparks fury over 'disturbing' Rageh Omaar scenes as presenter allowed to continue

ITV News presenter Rageh Omaar appeared to become unwell while he was presenting Friday night's show and viewers aren't happy

ITV has sparked fury over "disturbing" Rageh Omaar scenes as the presenter allowed to continue the show.

This comes after Ragah fronted Friday evening's news programme but appeared to become unwell throughout. Many have pointed out that he should have been taken on air and been given medical attention.

The presenter seemed to be stumbling over his words as he read from the autocue. Viewers immediately became concerned and thought he was unwell. The 56-year-old carried on until the end of the show where he signed off. ITV pulled the programme from its +1 channel as a spokesperson confirmed that Rageh had become unwell while on air.

Viewers immediately took to social media to say that Rageh should have been taken off air and shouldn't have bee allowed to carry on presenting the programme. "Rageh Omaar was clearly struggling on Thursday night (24 hours before) - big questions about duty of care here," one person said.

While another asked: "Concerning scenes on ITV News last night & wishing Rageh Omaar a speedy recovery. Why did ITV not immediately stop the broadcast and provide help?" With a third adding: "Rageh Omaar genuinely appeared to be having a stroke reading ITV News at Ten tonight. Really struggling to string a sentence together and get his words out. Amazed he made it to the end of the bulletin. Hope he's OK."

"Disturbing to see Rageh Omaar struggling with what looks like a medical issue - it’s terrifying when you’re at work but know something is terribly wrong (I’ve been there) but you think ‘I need to carry on’ - hope he’s ok," a viewer commented.

An ITV News spokesperson said: "We appreciate viewers of last night’s News at Ten were concerned about Rageh Omaar’s wellbeing. Following medical treatment at hospital, he is now recovering at home with his family. We are wishing Rageh a speedy recovery and look forward to him being back on screen when he feels ready."

Staff nurse Fiona Clark said that she had called ITV at 10:10pm and told them that "as an ICU nurse who worked in stroke that Rageh Omaar required an emergency ambulance, he was dysphasic, drooped left eye, slurred speech and agitated all FAST symptoms".

– EXCLUSIVE: Gerry Coulter – met Jill Dando’s killers in Hungary Gangsters boasted they killed Jill Dando
– Gerry Coulter/ Don Hale show ‘Jill Dando 1999 Contract Killing by Eastern European Mercenaries to Hide BBC Paedophile Ring’
– Pinning TV ‘Crimewatch’ star’s 1999 murder on a Russia-related suspect? Jill Dando murder revelation over Man X’s striking resemblance to Serbian
– Secret services assassin Killer Milorad Ulemek bears similarities to a man in CCTV images from the scene in Fulham, South-West London
– Julia Hartley Brewer, Talk TV – Benedict Spence on UK immigration going through the roof.
– Times Radio, Adam Bolton and Kate McCann show – Lord Carlisle on Rwanda migrant fiasco.
– ITV: HMS Trent seized crew and boat in Carribean – why not Channel migrants? Royal Navy: HMS Trent seizes huge £290m cocaine haul
– A US Maritime Patrol Aircraft circled overhead assisted the ground crew, while HMS Trent responded to intelligence reports
– Labour drops pledge to abolish leasehold – LBC Radio, Tom Swarbrick – Harry Scoffin from ‘ Free Leaseholders’ on making ground rent free.
– The leader of Hastings Borough Council, and five other councillors, have resigned from the Labour Party and set up an independent group.
– They said the party no longer provided the “policies, support or focus on local government”
– Zero Carbon Sabotage The Fake Greens Standing In UK Local Elections
– Sandi Adams: net zero sabotage. Peoples Food and Farming Alliance The meeting was both shocking and inspirational Patrizia Opulenza poem
– Naomi Klein: Jews Must Raise Voices for Palestine, Oppose “False Idol of Zionism” Jews on Anti Palestinian Genocide marches saying they are safe.
– David Miller, Palestine Declassified show on Press TV, giving speech on Gaza at Bristol rally.
– Benjamin Netanyahu saying protests at US Universities are anti Semitic. Anti Palestinian Genocide protests in US Universities.
– Pro-Palestinian protests sweep US college campuses following mass arrests at Columbia Police arrested dozens of students at Yale University
– LBC: UN's Guterres ‘horrified’ by reports of mass grave near Gaza hospital. Miko Peled on Israel being a racist apartheid state.
– Ukraine youth don’t want to be conscripted. Thousands of Ukrainian men are trying to flee the country to avoid getting drafted into the war with Russia.
– Israel supply weapons to Myanmar, Saudis arm Royhingas! BBC – Rohinga forced to join Burmese army. Burmese Military Forcibly Recruiting Rohingya
– Al Jazeera: Indigenous people in Brazil protest over poisoning of their land. Indigenous people in Brazil march to demand land recognition
– Royal Signals Museum – Tim Stankus, Adam Forty – Monty’s HQ lorry he used in the North Africa campaign, and the Ptarmigan radio
– Ex-BBC Panorama and ITN Middle East correspondent Alan Hart, author of ‘Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews’, interviews Ilan Pappe
– Alan Hart on BCfm 15 Jan 2010 – Tony Blair and Israeli money. Discussion with former BBC & ITN Foreign Correspondent Alan Hart aired in 2011
– Neturei Karta Rabbi Elhanan Beck – is Judaism a race or religion? Israel, Zionism, Judaism and ‘red cows’ – Elhanan Beck, a rabbi
– David Livingstone – Daniel, Antichrist, Robot-Messiah; Jewish eschatology – his new book out ‘Zionism: History of a Jewish Heresy’
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

1078 videos

Category News & Politics

Beginning his working life in the aviation industry and trained by the BBC, Tony Gosling is a British land rights campaigner, historian & investigative radio journalist.

Over the last 20 years he has been exposing the secret power of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and élite Bilderberg Conferences where the dark forces of corporations, media, banks and royalty conspire to accumulate wealth and power through extortion and war.

Tony has spent much of his life too advocating solutions which heal the wealth divide, such as free housing for all and a press which reflects the concerns of ordinary people rather than attempting to lead opinion, sensationalise or dumb-down.

Tony tweets at @TonyGosling.
Tune in to his Friday NOT The BCfm Politics Show at